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Professional Executive Summary

BCOM 314

Much of this Business Communications course focuses on unlocking each student's professional persona. To gain greater insight into mine, I conducted surveys to identify discrepancies between the way I perceive myself as a professional and how my network views me. I then compiled these findings into this two-page document highlighting notable findings and identifying how I can apply these insights to my future career in consulting and how I can continue to grow in my professional development journey. 

Feedback Letter

BCOM 314

Each student their first semester of the Eller upper division is placed on a team with five peers from diverse backgrounds. After working with this group on deliverables across three classes, we each gain a greater sense of each teammate’s strengths and opportunities for growth. Halfway through the semester, we were each tasked with writing an indirect feedback letter to one of these teammates.


In writing this letter, I took particular care to ensure that the letter provided warmth and understanding, while also providing helpful feedback. This process taught me the importance of taking the time to provide strong feedback and will provide me with greater confidence and direction when delivering feedback in the future.

Written Samples

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