Final Communication Plan
BCOM 314
In this presentation, my Eller team and I identified a variety of solutions to help bridge the disconnect between how Marriott promotes itself and how its perceived by stakeholders. I took it upon myself to take the lead on visual design, focusing on developing a professional, cohesive design throughout the presentation. As a result, we not only were we able to achieve a strong grade, particularly in the visual design category, but I also thoroughly enjoyed utilizing my creativity in slide design.
Coke Studio
In my entrepreneurship club, each team had the opportunity pitch recommendations to Coca-Cola on the consulting-style problem of developing deeper brand loyalty between Coca-Cola and Gen Z. After creating our idea, I worked on creating a simple, yet effective presentation that utilized signature elements of the Coca-Cola logo. In the end, my team's idea was selected by the Coke executives, and I am excited to continue honing my visual design skills moving forward!
Tableau Exploration
BNAD 277
In this Business Statistics class, students were tasked with completing a variety of labs to enhance their Excel and Tableau skills. In this Tableau exploration, I filtered through data to create visualizations and analyze findings related to the median salaries of individuals who attended state schools. This exercise helped me gain additional practice both visualizing and interpreting data.